Cube Controls SP01 Performance Kit

Cube Controls


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Only 1 left in stock

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✔ Same day dispatch if ordered before 11:30*
*orders over 1000€ - same day dispatch if ordered before 16:30
✔ Warehouse in Slovakia, shipping inside EU
✔ 2 - 5 years warranty
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Step up your game! In the SP01 Extra Kit you will find many additional elements that will incredibly increase your customization capabilities and allow you to reach your peak performance!

Springs (2 pieces)

  • 1 Soft Red Spring
  • 1 Medium Yellow Spring

Elastomers (2 pieces)

  • 1 additional Soft Yellow Elastomer
  • 1 additional Hard Blue Elastomer

Protection Washers (4 Small, 2 Medium, 3 Large)

2 Tuned Expansion Cups (1 Soft Black, 1 Hard Red)

SKU: CC-SP01-EK Category:
Weight 0,4 kg



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